College Courses

About the college courses, I have taught 

Santa Monica Community College - Early Childhood Education 

ECE 45  Introduction to Children with Special Needs

This course introduces the variations in the development of individuals with special needs, with special emphasis on children ages birth through eight and the resulting impact on families. It includes an overview of historical and societal influences, laws relating to children with special needs, and the identification and referral process. The course covers various categories of disability, including learning and physical disabilities, autism, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, visual and hearing impairments, attention deficit disorders, and giftedness. 

ECE 23 Practicum in Early Intervention

This course provides students "hands-on" experience working with infants birth to three years of age and young children with special needs in a variety of early intervention and educational settings including self-contained, fully-included daycare programs and early childhood classrooms. It integrates learned theoretical models to real-life situations and affords students opportunities for supervised practice as an assistant in the Individualized Family Service Program (IFSP) and the Individualized Education (IEP) process. 

ECE 30 Strategies for Working with Challenging Behaviors

This course provides an overview of the developmental, environmental, and cultural factors that impact the behavior of children, including family stressors, temperament, violence, attachment disorders, and special needs. Intervention techniques for highly aggressive, antisocial, disruptive, destructive, emotional, and dependant behaviors as well as proactive intervention and prevention techniques will be presented. 

West Los Angeles Community College - Child Development

CD 1 Child Growth and Development

This course examines the major developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence in the areas of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive. The course will emphasize interactions between maturational process and environmental factors. 

CD 2 Early Childhood: Principles and Practices (Developed and on rotation to teach)

This course provides a demonstration of developmentally appropriate early childhood teaching competencies under guided supervision. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. 

CD 22 Practicum in Child Development I

This course is a supervised practicum experience in an approved Early Childhood educational program, such as a preschool, child development center, elementary school, special education center, or other early care/early intervention natural environments. Practicum students will be expected to demonstrate developmentally appropriate early childhood teaching competencies under guided supervision. Students will design and implement lesson plans under the supervision of a college instructor and a Master teacher at their Practicum site. 

UCLA Extension - Early Childhood Education

EDUC-X 321.61 Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings

This course is for early childhood professionals and is designed to assist teachers, caregivers, and directors in better understanding and implementing procedures and policies for the inclusion of young children with special needs into typical child care, preschool, and kindergarten programs in compliance with Title III of the ADA and Sections B and H of the IDEA. Learn how to recognize when young children may have special needs that require professional help and what resources are available. Develop an increased understanding of children with special needs and their families and how to interact with them. Understand myths and fears surrounding children with special needs and how to facilitate healthy relationships between these children and their classmates. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits; elective course for both the Early Childhood Lead Teacher Certificate and/or Early Childhood Administration Certificates.

EDUC-X 312.42 Techniques for Behavior Change in Young Children

This course is an overview of the various methods for changing, adapting, and managing individual children’s behavior. Instruction covers assertive discipline, behavior modification, and other authoritarian and egalitarian approaches to behavior change in young children. The advantages, disadvantages, and appropriate use of each approach are analyzed. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits; elective course for both Basic and/or Advanced Core Certificates. 

EDUC-X 321.25 Anti-racism and Teaching in a Diverse Society for Early Childhood Education

This course introduces students to Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and theory by incorporating strategies for creating a student-centered classroom. Students will learn to define anti-racism, identify embedded privilege, and reflect on, and recognize personal bias. Students will work on creating identity-safe, care-oriented classrooms. Specific topics include how to “center” the curriculum to authentically include linguistic diversity, diverse cultures and communities, understanding micro-aggressions, and social justice.

Course Design in Canvas 

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